Ser empreendedor não significa necessariamente abrir uma empresa e ver no que dá. Trata-se mais de um estado de espírito, vontade de resolver o problema dos outros, ter foco, não se importar com erros, não se comparar a ninguém nem ao sucesso dos outros, trabalhar muito e saber como caminhar com as próprias pernas. Não precisamos sair do nosso emprego para ser um empreendedor. Devemos nos inspirar naquilo que faz emergir nosso potencial.

Vou bater na mesma tecla e falar novamente do Hugh MacLeod (autor do manisfesto “How to be creative”, já postado aqui). Li em seu blog algumas características de um empreendedor ou algo que nos incentivam a ser um. As que mais me chamaram a atenção:
“- One successful entrepreneur I know well has a wonderful quality, namely that he never, ever compares himself to other people. He just does his own thing, which actually serves him rather well. Just because his competitor has bought himself a bigger motor boat, doesn’t mean he feels the need have a bigger motor boat. This quality helps him to build his business the way he sees fit, not the way the motor boat people see fit.”
"- Bill Gates may have a million times more money than me, but he isn’t going to live a million times longer than me, watch a million times more sunsets than me, make love to a million times more women than me, drink a million times more fine wines than me, listen to a million times more Beethoven String Quartets than me, nor sire a million times more children than me. Human beings don't scale.”

Vou bater na mesma tecla e falar novamente do Hugh MacLeod (autor do manisfesto “How to be creative”, já postado aqui). Li em seu blog algumas características de um empreendedor ou algo que nos incentivam a ser um. As que mais me chamaram a atenção:
“- One successful entrepreneur I know well has a wonderful quality, namely that he never, ever compares himself to other people. He just does his own thing, which actually serves him rather well. Just because his competitor has bought himself a bigger motor boat, doesn’t mean he feels the need have a bigger motor boat. This quality helps him to build his business the way he sees fit, not the way the motor boat people see fit.”
"- Bill Gates may have a million times more money than me, but he isn’t going to live a million times longer than me, watch a million times more sunsets than me, make love to a million times more women than me, drink a million times more fine wines than me, listen to a million times more Beethoven String Quartets than me, nor sire a million times more children than me. Human beings don't scale.”
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